Someone who thinks something unknown is cool, and stops liking it as soon as it becomes popular. These people think they are cool because of it, but generally speaking, they are arrogant bastards who conform to an ideal of non-conformity.
Hipster: you like my pokemon hat and t-shirt with no brand name?

Other kid: yeah i have that exact hat and none of my clothes have labels either!!!

Hipster: uhh... *turns away* WHO WANTS MY CLOTHES?!?!
by Heisenburg. October 12, 2010
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1. Any kind of person most likely aged under...oh 35, who participate in some kind of youth subcultural urban clique; from punk, to indie rocker, goth, straight edge, metalhead, hip-hop, etc. They are fairly likely to know a great deal about their own world and very little about anyone else's.

2. A grand tradition of respected pop-cultural icons, from Oscar Wilde to Charles Bukowski to Andy Warhol to the Vice Magazine founders, who despite their influence, really kind of suck.

3. Throngs upon throngs of urban centric teengers and twenty-somethings who congregate in the "hip" neighborhoods of a town and all dress disturbing alike. They try to one step ahead of trends in clothes and music, seeking out vintage fashion and independant bands. Their shortcomings include:
a) most-likely an upper/middle class upbringing
b) general snobbery (or social-ineptitude mistaken for it) towards not only those not "with it" but also an unfamiliar hipster
c) a disposition of only liking things not totally excepted by the mainstream
d) alcoholism
and e) bad haircuts.

Their exceptional qualities:
a) despite what some detractors might assume, they are one of the more racially inclusive scenes in an urban setting
b) they aren't too picky about beer
c) if you need one of them to give an opinion when shopping for clothes or records, they will be invaluable...provided they don't scoff at you first
and d) that band you love never would have gotten anywhere if the hipsters weren't into them first.
1. "Walking down Broadway in Seattle, you sure do see a lot of young hipsters tooling about."

2. "In Kerouac's 'On the Road', he paints a decent portrait of how the hipster lifestyle of the 1940's run aground with the American Dream."

3. "Ugh...there are too many hipsters at that party. Let's not go. All those girls are terrible in bed."
by Suspicious Uzi October 8, 2005
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Anonymous hipster friend: "Ugh, look at that fucking hipster! A PBR tattoo AND a handlebar moustache? What a dickhead."

You: "I know, right?" (mental note to self: shave moustache and get PBR tattoo removed A.S.A.P!)

* See ironic. Not to be confused with Alanis Ironic
by Captain American't July 11, 2011
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A hipster is a self-appreciating young adult, often taking a liberal arts degree in university, who think they are unique and inidividual because they don't follow mainstream ideas and trends. In reality, hipsters are guided by the mainstream and rely on it to create material to complain about on tumblr.
Man 1: Look at that fucking hipster

Lady 1: That ratty pair of underwear is so hipster.
by Teleute March 7, 2011
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The modern Bohemians. A mid-twenties person who works at a low paying job, is interested in "Artsy things" Hipsters tend to swarm around the determined "Hipster" part of town, ex. Wicker Park in Chicago. Hipster Ladies should have short hair and wear thrift shop clothes and Male Hipsters should be anemically skinny to let people know that they are poor and cant afford enough food.
When I grow up I want to live in a studio apartment in Wicker Park and work at Starbucks, it would be cool being a Hipster.
by Alex August 11, 2004
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A relatively new subculture (late 90's-present). A hipster can generally be identified as a skinny, efeminate looking male or a unkemp, annoyed looking female in their 20's wearing tight jeans and thrift store/vintage clothing and accesories.
The hipster is a subculture without a cause. They have no ideals or values except trying shunn the mainstream and appear as unconventianal as possible by advocating the independent. They can be seen: riding bikes, smoking expensive cigarretes, drinking independent coffee and cheap alchahol, and eating organic and vegan food. They will say they do such things so as to not conform to mainstream/consumer society, but really their only motive is to appear interesting and different. Theyr'e also pretentious as hell and have egos the size of Africa despite the fact that nobody really cares about them or their interests. They especially enjoy talking about themselves but will lose interest if the conversation moves to other subjects. They will not give up an argument but if confronted with violence they will quikly coil into the fetal position. Oh, and many male hipsters are closeted homosexuals.
Overall, hipsters are the embodiment of apathy, irony, and hypocrisy because by not conforming, theyr'e conforming.
The origin of the modern hipster is simple: Skinny, uncomfortable, nerdy guys in high school with small genetalia back in the late 90's couldn't find their identity and so decided to "not conform" by creating a sorry clusterfuck of a human being with oversized glasses and tight pants. The girls just did it to tag along and appear more interesting and inflate their egos.
The worst subculture out there in my opinion.
The CA bay area seems to be most heavily populated with hipsters, but you can find them at your local independant coffee shop.
hipster: I just rode my bike downtown while smoking a pack of cloves, then spent the day shopping at goodwill and loitering.

Me: Go fuck a duck.
by McToefats December 7, 2008
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Fresh out of college mid 20’s people who claim to dislike all that is mainstream or popular, which is usually reflected in their taste of indie music and how quickly they’ll shun a group the moment they end up on a soundtrack, TV commercial/show or on the radio. They also dislike mainstream fashion which makes them easily spotted since the guys all wear the higher-then-clam-digger style pants while the girls all wear extremely thick rimmed glasses. (Making them conformist in their own group).

The surest sign of a hipster is their dislike for everything corporate so while they may never want to buy anything from a Starbucks, Gap or Pottery Barn, they will have no problem working for them since they always seem to be flat broke and complain about having financial problems, even though they have mom & dad paid BA.

Note: Hipsters dislike the title of hispster and are irritated to be called one.
Person: hey, I really like that Garden State soundtrack
Hipster: The Shins suck now for letting their song be on that album, how dare they try and make a buck.
Person: you’re such a typical Hipster
Hipster: I am NOT a hipster!
by Mr Wall November 16, 2005
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