I think I left my bra at your house? Don't put it in your daughter's drawer! Why do I keep hansel and gretelling you?
by odie74 September 20, 2016
when you have bowel movement into a brown paper bag and set it on fire and put it in some one's mailbox.
by bignukka February 16, 2010
When you take a crap in the woods and leave a trail of toilet paper leading to the poo so you don't step in it later.
one deer hunter to another: "I left a Hansel and Gretel by the big pine tree, so you may want to avoid that area; At least it's clearly marked".
by tenesmus November 23, 2017
by WarrenGold August 30, 2018
Sharting while running outdoors, or frantically shuffling to the restroom, leaving a trail of shit you can follow back to where you came from, if need be.
"Dude! Coach ran me so hard at practice that I left a Hansel and Gretel all the way from the field house."
"Bill ate tacos for lunch and within 10 mins, he had Hansel and Greteled a path from his desk to the bathroom"
"Bill ate tacos for lunch and within 10 mins, he had Hansel and Greteled a path from his desk to the bathroom"
by BEE EF DEE November 2, 2011
by Shizzle DOG November 19, 2002
A class of excrement which leaves a telltale spiral trail around the toilet bowl as it drains, so that it might find its way back home.
The janitor went through 3 cans of AJAX in an attempt to remove a particularly stubborn hansel and gretel trail from the new porcelain White House toilet.
by Harry Merkin August 6, 2002