A meatball hailstorm is one of the rarer types of shit someone takes. It is when your shit is part diarrhea and part solid turd, and makes a very distinct sound when splashdown occurs. Your shit should sound like hail stones hitting a pond in a steady rain. A great shit to have to take if you are in a public restroom playing battleshits.
Danny: Yo, Billy, I got fuckin wasted at that party last night

Billy: Fur Shuure man, beers were flowin

(high five)

Danny: Fur Shuure, I gotta take a dump before this race bro, theres a 100% chance of a meatball hailstorm happening in that bathroom

Billy: Fur Shuure bro

(high five)

Danny: Fur Shuure

(high five)

(high five)
by meatballhailstorm June 25, 2011
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When you are getting a blowjob and you quofe so hard that cum comes out of her mouth, nose, and ears
Jack "OMG I gave that hot girl in 4th period an Alaskan Hailstorm"

by Fwcamz March 1, 2022
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A Honduran Hailstorm is the act of ejaculating out of a flying plane and into the airstream.
Downtown LA was hit with a Honduran Hailstorm today after a bunch of frat boys decided to rent a Cessna. There were two fatalities.
by Bronado December 20, 2020
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The act of bending your sexual partner over, getting a broom, no the handle side, and cleanin out either their anal or vaginal area, screaming,"HAILSTORM RAZOR"
"HAILSTORM RAZOR" *shoves broom up Becky's fat ass*
by This dick December 5, 2014
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A meatball hailstorm is one of the rarer types of shit someone takes. It is when your shit is part diarrhea and part solid turd, and makes a very distinct sound when splashdown occurs. Your shit should sound like hail stones hitting a pond in a steady rain. A great shit to have to take if you are in a public restroom playing battleshits.
Danny: Yo, Billy, I got fuckin wasted at that party last night

Billy: Fur Shuure man, beers were flowin

(high five)

Danny: Fur Shuure, I gotta take a dump before this race bro, theres a 100% chance of a meatball hailstorm happening in that bathroom

Billy: Fur Shuure bro

(high five)

Danny: Fur Shuure

(high five)

(high five)
by meatball hailstorm June 13, 2011
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When a person open mouth chews ice during sex and gets hot sweat and cold ice chunks all over their partner
That guy Rog was so sweaty he started chewing ice during sex. I got all his hot sweat and the ice chunks from his mouth all over me. It was a nude hailstorm.
by Pipes Nazty February 22, 2019
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Project Hailstorm is against them. It is lead by the hacker Hailstorm, who was once a very feared hacker on the bionicle boards. He now helps the bionicle boards, and tries to stop the Kaosu Buntai, as he feels taking the boards of admins, even if they are abusive, is wrong. He is the only hacker in the group, but many of the members of the Anti-Kaosu Buntai group follow him.
If Kaosu Buntai crack an invisionfree forum, then Project Hailstorm will crack it back and restore power to the owner
by Admiral Refuge July 20, 2006
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