
a freakishly long penis...usually from the 8 to 10 inches.
Dude, Ron Jeremy definately has a grillo.
by A.G. March 3, 2005
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A sweet italian boy from alba adriatica, popular with friends, has a billboard because he is so popular.
Marco is a grillo!
by imayau February 16, 2010
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The condition of having an unnaturally tan penis in relation to the rest of your body. This is commonly caused by excessive masterbation.
Then he whipped his grillo out and I was like, "are you fuckin serious Peter, does your dick go tanning while the rest of you watches Bassmasters, what the fuck!?
by Mihlkdawg September 26, 2011
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to receive an extremely low pay check
Man, i need to start working so i stop getting all these grillos.
by matt32392 July 14, 2009
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Frank Grillo

Frank Grillo is an Italian-American actor. He is known for his badass roles in movies/tv shows, and his badass fight skills off screen. Frank is your worst nightmare when he’s in the ring. Many adore him for his Incredible acting skills, Charisma, and attractiveness. Frank inspired many across the globe and that’s what we call the Grillo effect.
Person 1: Have you seen that hot man in purge anarchy?
Person 2: Yeah, that’s Frank Grillo.
Person 1: He’s such a DILF!
Person 2: Agreed.
by Franksgirll October 10, 2018
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Julius grillo

Julius Grillo is the name of the hottest guy in the world and has the biggest dick in Melbourne.
“Omg, look how hot Julius Grillo looks today” 😘🥰🤤😹😏👹🫣🫘🔥🤌🏽🍗🦧🍗💖❤️
by Hottestdudeyouwillsee October 30, 2023
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Eli Grillo

Eli Grillo is an ultimate beast of a human being. When Eli Grillo walks into the room people are very intimidated because he is very cool that's why he doesn't need friends. On discord, he is known as a person with a very high status on servers such as The Throes Hood and many more. He also has 6 girlfriends because he is so popular but if you are a girl you should DM him and be one of his many more girlfriends.
I would make a move on that girl I have a crush on but I am afraid Eli Grillo will beat me up for trying to steal one of his girls.
by Eli Grillo January 5, 2021
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