inventing a word that no one else wants to use
I caught Doug glaming this word.
by definitelynotdoug April 29, 2021
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Something that is both gay and lame at the same time.
I saw that new movie and it was so glame.
by jumpin_bumps November 26, 2009
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an event which is not only worthy of mockery for being ghay, but also sounds like no fun to go to, making it lame. thus gay and lame at the same time. glame.
no, that sounds glame
by jack bender July 14, 2006
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Man that movie sucked. It was really glame.
by Robyn Banks August 29, 2005
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A word used to cover use of word "gay" in mixed company. No one can be offended because you said lame rather than gay.
For instance, "Man, that shirt is so ga...glame."
by The Carester September 13, 2005
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Combination of the words gay and lame; Used in a situation when you don't know if a friend is being gay or lame or both.
Joe: I sat up all night to watch "Nine" nine times.
John: The cartoon or the musical?
Joe: Duh, the musical. Daniel Day-Lewis is my god.
John: GLAME!
by kmshoremount January 7, 2011
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