
When you Paralyze a bitch for making fun of your round face and eat her Pussy obnoxiously with your tongue hanging out
That girl over there made fun of my Mongolian face I'm gonna try gastlying this cunt I DON't need gym badges for this one.
by The Fuggin Real March 11, 2016
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Gastly is a Ghost/poison type pokemon that phases through anything. Usually found in caves, and at night time. evolves into Haunter
There was a Gastly that was totally cursing my entire team.
by Clay34 July 11, 2011
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Malek Gastli Means being very childish and mentally challanged.
It also can be used to describe someone who tries so hard but always fails.
-OMG you are so Malek Gastli
-I know I'm so retarted
by Eya Dz December 23, 2021
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A hat worn by new players in tf2.
Veteran Player: How is this Gastly Gibus scunt killing me!?
Gastly Gibus wearer: *SCATTER GUN SHOT*
by DloanChampion + Pumpkin Knight November 27, 2021
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