This term comes from stan Twitter, it describes Jungkook, and if I see one of you lot using it for someone other than him, I'm gonna make you go back to the hell of irrelevance you crawled from.
Go Jungkookie, our funky little popstar!
by Purple Militia December 17, 2021
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When one is attempting to keep it 100% real with someone.
I know you don’t like to hear the truth but I’m just keeping it 100% funky fresh with you.
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When a woman stick her heel in the guys dick while the song “these boots are made for walking” is playing in the background and the guy tries to push flowers out of his ass
Woman: I gave this guy the funky boots and the entire room smelled like flowers
by Funky boots March 10, 2021
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1) The only game in the skyofazure arcade that Kebin can't beat.
2) A game Jooyan is champion of.
Skyerus: Hey Kebin, go play some Funky Pong.
Kebin: I can't, Jooyan keeps beating me.
Jooyan: Affirmed.
by Skyerus October 24, 2004
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