Adj 1.Fortified with Funkiness, brimming and overflowing with Funk, a fountain of Funk. 2.To become so overwhelmed by funk as to render un-usable or unwanted.
1.Parliament--Mothership Connection--"Unfunky UFO": "Deep in pain I called the names of some funkified friends of mine." 2. "Her nappy dugout's all funkified"
by Dr "Chemical" Eagle Sperm-Cannon, LSD May 18, 2003
by mb March 3, 2005
a stupid word that Jessica made up and started using in place of every other adjective in the world.
Jessica: "This pizza is funkified."
Alex: "Just say it's delicious idiot."
Jessica: "You know what Alex?"
Alex: "What?"
Jessica: "You are NOT funkified."
Alex: "Well you know what else?"
Jessica: "WHAT?!"
Alex: "I hate you."
Jessica: "I hate you too."
Alex: "Just say it's delicious idiot."
Jessica: "You know what Alex?"
Alex: "What?"
Jessica: "You are NOT funkified."
Alex: "Well you know what else?"
Jessica: "WHAT?!"
Alex: "I hate you."
Jessica: "I hate you too."
by AlexHatesJessica July 11, 2008
by dinonychus October 3, 2005
by Dani Moffatt June 2, 2006
by Jason April 24, 2003