A word describing an object that is not working properly or working in a fashion it shouldn't be, yet isn't fully broken.
My semi-auto paintball gun is fuckered. It's stuck on full-auto, and it doesn't even have an option for that!
by Snake556 September 1, 2005
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1. Me
2. You
3. Him
1. I'm a fucker
2. You're a fucker
3. He's a fucker
by Shaw August 12, 2004
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When your computer is buffering round and round for too long.
The internet if fuckering again, my show is taking too long to load!
by lash71 February 6, 2018
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A spin on the commonly used term fucker, which is meant to imply that no hard feelings are meant as opposed to using the word fucker which can be taken the wrong way very easily.

Can also be used in other forms such as "motherfuckerer" (a spin on the term motherfucker, "sister fuckerer", etc.

You can also add "er" several times to show that you don't intend to be offensive. i.e. fuckererererer...
Hey <insert name of random dickhead here>, what's up, fuckerer?

Fuck you, you motherfuckerer, you.

Oh yeah? Well fuck you, you fuckerererererer... wait, what was I talking about again?
by Jude Niro June 25, 2005
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A Non-virgin

One who has partaken in sexual intercourse

Somebody who be not a virgin
You see, Tim is a virgin. But Mason is a fucker.
by Mosan May 2, 2011
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Someone who really pisses you off.
I cant believe she did that to me. What a Fucker
by XoX Cinni XoX December 14, 2005
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One who is a unfriendly piece of s*** who thinks they are all bad-ass, but isn't. Tries to be cool and put on a persona of freshness and kindness, but in reality, is a complete and total backstabber and/or bitch.
"See that chimpanzee over there? She is such a fucker!"
"That fucker cheated on me with that other fucker!"
by hawkboy22 September 6, 2011
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