Furious googling for that perfect piece of adult entertainment for your adult entertainment needs.
Even after 5 hours of sexually-frustrated googling i still could not find the song i had stuck in my head.
by some-random-guy December 19, 2014
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These are the type of women in your life who constantly nag, are bitchy, and generally are intolerable to be around. This is a play on words of "weapons of mass destruction"
My mom is totally being a WMF today.
by Lon August 9, 2005
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The various signals one sends off, whether it be consiously or subconsiously, when they are sexually repressed. Some signals of sexual frustration may include: frequent moodiness, over-eating, being easily excited, trouble paying attention, etc...
"The way her eyes kept wandering from my face to my package, were a good signal that she was sexually frustrated."
by Kristen December 1, 2003
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how to tell if someone you know is angry with sex or lack of sex.
"Peeling labels off bottles is a form of sexual frustration."
by allison December 5, 2003
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Body language, habits, or actions a person acts out that indicate that he or she is experiencing sexual frustration. This frustration is most likely caused by a lack of recent sexual intercourse, and may be magnified if the sufferer has a new object of affection. Specific signals include peeling labels off of beer bottles and chewing ice cubes.
The ladies can see Larry a mile away - he's peeled all the labels off his beer bottles.
by Daniel Premo December 11, 2003
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intensified and overly anxious actions caused by a lack of sex
Mary's constant bitchiness are signals of sexual frustration
by Greg Pooganus December 19, 2003
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Brad is exhibiting obvious signs of sexual frustration, he doesn't eat anymore, all he does is chew ice.
by Molx November 15, 2008
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