This isn't the normal spelling its "Cherchez" but I didn't want the sole definition under this spelling to stand uncorrected. It literally means seek (or look) for the woman. The phrase is outdated and rare in modern text. It was not normally used to blame all problems on women, but rather to say that when a man has done something odd, or otherwise unaccountable, perhaps even committed a crime when he was not previously a criminal - then "look for the woman" There was a woman involved. Not that she was necessarily to blame, but that the man had acted because of her in some way. The idea was that men are often rash and fools where women are concerned.
Why would Bill have left work and gotten drunk in the middle of the day like that? It's just not like him. "Cherche la femme, my friend"
by NotNoahWebster January 17, 2019
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Literally translates to "find the woman". Used facetiously to suggest that when a man does something stupid, a woman was probably involved. This is not to indicate that it's the woman's fault, but that the man is trying to garner a woman's favour, or to cover up his infidelity.
Did you hear? All of a sudden Bill says he's morally opposed to porn.
Yeah right. Cherchez la femme.
Yeah, I think he's trying to impress the girl at Starbucks.
by Skorpion April 20, 2010
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An imported french dildo, check under your mom's bed.
The Original dildo before tech crazy Bolmph Co. in New Mexico stole it. It's big it's black and it's rubber. No strings attached.
by Karate Jesus October 27, 2004
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This is a fetish for a woman's dump, crap, excrement, whatever you want to call it. The man (or woman, if she is lesbian or bisexual) with the fetish will fondle, consume or merely keep the crap as part of this very creepy fetish. This is used for arousal.
A good example of this would be 2 Girls 1 Cup. The use of femme-crap fetishism is very alive in this video. It's arguably one of the least common fetishes.
"yo dude, does that girl you like know about your femme-crap fetish?"

"WTF, don't remind me. She caught me eating turds out of the port-a-potty after her..."

Billy has a femme-crap fetish that he acquired from watching 2 Girls 1 Cup over and over for hours.
by Y35S5S! August 27, 2009
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Nickname given to a male co-worker that is extremely prissy, primpy, and feminine. Also thinks they are better than every one else they work with.
by tattoedleo August 31, 2008
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While literally this translates to "find the woman", it refers to the underlying (and yes, sexist) assumption that behind every problem, there is a woman who caused it.
The entire computer network is down! - Ah, cherche la femme.
by Peti March 17, 2007
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