If you were born on February 10 then you are a special one, you are athletic, fun, smart, cute and loving even when you don’t want to show it. If you have a friend that was born of February 10 keep them close because they will be your best friend for life. If you like a person that was born on February 10 then just tell them, they like it when you tell them the truth
Person 1-When was that a person born they are so cute and athletic
Person 2-They were obviously born on February 10
by The awesome one 😜😆 November 8, 2019
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February 10 means national back hug day
February 10 means national back hug day
by Monkey_Me February 9, 2020
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bad ass bitches with the letter A in they name was born on this day . Everybodywanna get with them and that’s period . They don’t let nothing get to them especially them fake ass ugly ass hoes .
Girl #1 - I can’t stand that girl over there she act like she all that cuz it’s her birthday on February 10 .

Birthday-Girl friend- you wanna catch that round with her rn hoe ?!
Girl #1- I lie sis .
by baby_aokii1 October 26, 2019
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Ask the person u like out or tell them you like them a lot!
"Its February 10th and I..."
"I like you a lot!"
"Oh I know! Youve told me already."

"But like get ur shit together so we can be together!
by OGJhot January 20, 2020
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Slap you short friend day.

Only if you’re the tallest though.
Guy: you know what day it is February 10
by Quotes_advice February 6, 2022
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If you were born on February 10 you are beautiful and pretty and hot asf.
Oh you are born on February 10 ,that explains why your so pretty.
by Ellaherb4 January 13, 2021
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