
a thing that is named after a person
Fahrenheit is named after Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, making it an eponym.
by 787757421748422 February 27, 2021
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alcoholics eponymous

A group for people who have the same name as an alcoholic beverage.
Jack: Hi, my name's Jack - Jack Daniels and I've had this name all my life.

All: Hi Jack. Welcome to alcoholics eponymous.
by Lepus July 2, 2008
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Cool People, or Hipsters, who belong to an Eponymous Society, where all members have the same name. Hip-eponymous is the next logical step to Googling your own name. You find and friend everyone with your name, and start a group, such as the "Your Name" Society.
I have my own Hip-eponymous group on FaceBook, everyone has the same name as me. ^_^
by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 27, 2010
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A regular eponym is something named after a person, such as nehru jacket, boycott, volt, bloomer, gerrymander and quisling. A para-eponym is something named after a variation on a person's name, and can be a noun, adjective or verb.
Two para-eponyms are Count Chocula (from Count Dracula) cereal and Cherry Garcia (from Jerry Garcia, a musician favorite of Ben and Jerry) ice cream.
by gm2l June 20, 2010
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The act of turning a title, adjective, noun, or verb into a name or title. i.e Hunter, Chase, Daisy, or Georgia as names.
Person one: Hey did you know that the name Lucifer originally came from the Latin word for the planet Venus?
Person two: Oh they EPONYMIZED the Latin word for Venus, and it became a character in its own right?
by Bamblelamb July 8, 2023
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The act of turning a verb, adjective, noun, or title into a name or title. i.e Hunter, Chase, Daisy, Smith.
When my parents named me Hunter they EPONYMIZED the title hunter.
by Bamblelamb July 8, 2023
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