

A term used to describe the most amazing and one of a kind person you will ever meet. An elias is sweet, caring, honest, very funny, loving, lovable, adorable, trustworthy, understanding, kind, talented, intelligent and just plain perfect.

Elias's are the best at everything they do. He is that one guy that will make you feel beautiful on the inside and out, just the same way he is. He doesn't have a single hate bone in his body, and he's very positive and always tries to look on the bright side.
He is not afraid to speak what is on his mind, he is very social, out going and knows how to have a good time. He is very fun to talk to and always keeps the conversation going.

Elias is used when a person is very loyal and trustworthy, you can always trust an elias. He listens to you and will try to help with anything he can because thats just the kind of person he is.
He is charming and very handsome. Elias's have girls chasing them all the time. Elias is when a man has no main feature because of how attractive he is.
He can be sensitive and romantic but has a very strong and independant personality all in all.

Beyond Perfect, is the word to describe an eli/ eliasy/ elias.
You're a very very lucky person if you know a person who is described or named elias. And you're the luckiest girl in the world if he turns out as the love of your life.

Its hard not to love elias. <3
Someone: That guy is so perfect
Rahaf: I know, hes elias<3
by Rahafffash September 25, 2013
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The origin of the name Elia is very Narnian. It means one who is profoundly wonderful - and humble. Elia most often refers to a unique individual who possess many intriguing qualities such as : affectionate, loving, thoughtful, caring, devoted, enthusiastic, friendly, open minded, optimistic, sincere, trustworthy, loyal, outgoing, authentic.

But the name Elia does not mean perfect..in fact it means far from perfect. The name Elia means someone who recognizes that there is more to life than here on this earth.
I will strive to have an "Elian" outlook on life.
by Kahreesa February 5, 2010
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The best friend you'll ever fucking have. If you know an elia then your life is sure to be fun asf. She's fun, a party animal, and someone who thinks of things in a different way to others. But she can also be a quiet person who keeps lots of things to herself.
"Did you see the new kid"
"yeah she's kinda shy"
"nah she's great when you get to know her, she's an elia"
by Elian Loony August 17, 2017
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All Elias' are non-man-whores who care for their girlfriends. They are the bestest friend that you could ever have and listen to you no matter what the hell you are waffelling on about. They are the best kissers, full stop. They are all very good-looking and their charming cheesy ways are enough to entice a girl anywhere. They always remind you that you are beautiful and that he loves you even when you are being a prick or are not blessed with goodlooks. They don't care what others think and will show any type of affection anywhere as they love you. Elias' tend to make amazing hot chocolates and spoil their girl rotten even though they know they shouldn't because she tells them over and over agian that he doesn't need to. Elias' are incredibly intelligent, talented, sporty and perfect. He takes your breath away as soon as you meet him and you are left in a trance that disables your ability to speak. They are always honest and always loyal, they never hurt you but if they do, they make it up to you in a heartbeat. When you fall in love with an Elias, good luck gurrrll cos you are stuffed, you will always love him.
me: "I talked to Elias today. HE ASKED ME OUT, he is so damn hot!"
Friend: "OMG you are so lucky, I am so jealous of you. Everyone else will be too, w8 4 da h8 sista"
Me: "I know, I don't care. I'm in love"
by Edie Smith March 5, 2013
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An amazing person, but has no idea how amazing she is. She is beautiful, caring and kind. She is perfect, she is an amazing singer and will be recognised for her talents
Elia is the most beautiful person Ive ever met
by Kyspls December 3, 2018
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An absolutely wonderful creation of love and brightness!
You have an Elias? You lucky ducky ;)
by Lovin3434! December 16, 2020
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A sensitive guy, with a friendly yet awkward personality.
Meeting an Elias will change your life. you'll either love him or hate him and there's no in-between. Either way, most Elias' are amazing guys with cute & humorous personalities. If you find an Elias, hold onto him.
"His name is Elias? Omg Elias' are always the sweet sensitive ones!!"
by Idk...hey January 21, 2016
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