Its a summed up word for the mixture of being dumb and stupid.
by J-Burbs August 29, 2007
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A person, who alone or in a group, slavishly believes the teachings, narrative, etc. of a manipulative person or group that are demonstrably false if fact checked.

Dupid comes from the combination of "dupe" and "stupid."
"You're dupid Sherman! Can't you see how his long-standing voting record reveals that he's lying to you about the environment?"
by jproaster April 14, 2021
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A term which can be used in order to tease someone affectionately. Not used to insult with intent of extreme offense.

If one aims to mock another person's intelligence they would use this term. The word is a combination of the words 'dumb' and 'stupid'
Boyfriend: "I failed Math even though it was the easiest shit EVER."
Girlfriend: "you so dupid, haha... but me lovies yooh! *comforting hug*"

"Do bananas grow on trees?"
"Duhhhhhh *imitates retard* dupid!"
by Millyxx January 17, 2008
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when a girl gets drunk and acts stupid... That girl that takes being drunk too far, most sorority girls
by Pace blAnchard November 11, 2014
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(Adj.)Exceptionally bad at games involving shooting or PvP; lacking in basic intelligence; probed to crying.
Many of the schoolchildren would often call Billy dupid for the amount of tears he shed on the playground.
by Miriam Webbster December 2, 2018
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