An alias for double underscore, "__". Specially useful in the Python computer language, in which names like "__init__" are common. Coined as a speech shorthand.
Eric: So the problem is initdata? (the method initdata() )
John: Nope, dunder init dunder is where things start to go wrong... (__init__)
John: Nope, dunder init dunder is where things start to go wrong... (__init__)
by ajaksu May 23, 2006
by Mark Dunder August 5, 2003
by Chase August 3, 2003
by Rash1d10 April 16, 2022
"make sure to wash your dunders" "Dunderwear, clothes for the working man" "Dunderwear soft enoughf for a mans buttox, toughf enough to handle the swamp ass of a working man"
by Heyballookey2 October 23, 2008
A person who is utterly useless and incoherent. The IQ of this person almost always matches, or is close to, that of an average person's shoe size.
by DDunder June 28, 2007