1. A dish made out of slices of Duck-meat and filling. Usually dipped in a spicey sauce and served with rice.

2. The act of rolling a (live) duck between ones hand and a suitable surface (often the table) for relaxing and meditational purposes. The bird should not be harmed, and ideally also enjoy the experience.
1. We thoroughly enjoyed the excellent Duck Rolls at that asian restaurant.

2. a. We thoroughly enjoyed the excellent Duck Rolls at that asian buddhist retreat.
2. b. R. was very stressed out, and almost crushed his bird while Duck Rolling! Luckily he wasn't charged extra ...
by g__b__g October 15, 2005
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an expression in which means "Someone who has done there homework or investigated an area of interest & has drafted a list of priorities to achieve a goal"
"I've gotten my car insurance, drivers license, vehicle registration, state inspection done & my check book to pay for the taxes & fees so I should have all my ducks in a roll when I goto the tax commission office downtown."
by Inthelandofconfusion June 17, 2009
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