cigs dipped in the PCP
y'all got dem dippers, u know where to find mah
by Joey Crack November 18, 2004
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scousers, anyone from liverpool or a supporter of liverpool football club
those dippers, nothing but murderers, racists, hubcap stealers, benefit claimers and low life criminals
by izi January 28, 2006
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cigarette dipped into pcp/angeldust oil/liquid. filter is removed and cig is lit with another lit cigarette. due to fact that if "Dipper" is lit by a lighter it will set entire cigarette on fire due to flamability.
"gimme a dipper"
"we were smokin a dipper"
by Jason McKinney October 6, 2003
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Its liquid PCP Phencyclidine thats used to lace it on Marijuana or Tobacco
by alxxx69r June 22, 2014
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Abbreviation for "bin dipper" aka scouser.

Derived from their habit of foraging in dustbins for food, clothing and mating partners.

Can also be identified by foolish collective belief that Liverpool FC is a major footballing power. Can be found in large (10,000 or so) numbers at a local cesspit aka Anfailed. Although the number of meetings here tends to decline as the calendar progresses towards May,
Look at that Dipper (cue shell suit, face full of phlegm if speaking).
by Bruv November 11, 2003
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1. A brown male, usually in the teenage and adult age area, who owns a crazy car and plays there music very loud in th car when driving past people. They tend to wear designer sunglasses, expensive clothes, and have spiked hair or a gutti most of the time. Male dippers who are from India tend to try to speak english with a very bad accent, or they speak in punjabi very loudly with their friends and curse as much as possible. Male dippers born outside of India have a tendency to speak very very loudly. They also swear and make fun of people walking by. Also, all Male dippers will honk at girls on the street no matter what age they ae.

2. A brown female, usually in teenage and adult age area, who also has a nice car, like the male, and plays there music very loud too. They also were designer sunglasess. There are Indian-born female dippers who have long oily, dandruffy hair, and they think they are very pretty because they like to look at themselves in the mirror, but actually they are not pretty. There are the female dippers who are born out of India, and they actually are pretty most of the time, but these non-indian-born female dippers will speak very loud with their many friends hoping to get a guy's attention.
Sarah: Hey! What movie should we watch?

Manisha: Um...Let's go inside and check what's playing.

( Suddenly a brown guy in a cadillac drives by with very loud music playing)

Manisha: What a dipper
by kraftdinner101 July 28, 2010
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Plural for people with low computer specs compared to modern ones.
Yo, that Indian over there is a dipper!

Most of the population of India are dippers.
by TORNADOMACHINE654 October 17, 2020
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