Affectionate term for the Australian combat soldier. The term originated during the Gallipoli Penisula campaign, where digging protective trenches was a comonplace activity.
by DJ Asman April 1, 2006
by Koobefca June 3, 2023
by hcodude194 May 1, 2009
by link74 October 9, 2008
A person so large that fat hangs over thier genitals. The term digger comes from the act of digging through the fat to get to the gentitals while hooking up with a fatty.
by uncle tommy July 29, 2009
n. an event where an individual so severely impacts a natural surface that they effectively dig into the ground
commonly used as part of a vast culture of extreme sports jargon. Example: "I saw you fly over the handlebars, that was an insane digger"
by Julius S November 19, 2007
by flowjab January 7, 2023