Cinematic Defecit Disorder, commonly known as CDD, is a unfortunate disease that continues to plague moviegoers each and every single day. It lobotomizes their tastes in film, to the point where they're beyond redemption. Please stop CDD :(
Person #1: Collateral was a kickass movie. Tom Cruise gave the performance of his career.
Person #2: Collateral sucked, it was boring. Go see Anacondas instead.
Person #1: -_-
by VGerX2001 September 3, 2004
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A.D.D.;- Yet another illness some do-gooders have come up with as an excuse for the actions of today's ignorant, non-caring, couldn't-give-a-shit, benefit-grabbing, fuckwit youths.
Me; Is there a valid reason why you can't work and you're such a sponging loser?
Spotty pizza-faced youth;- I have Attention Defecit Disorder, you bastard! **manages to focus attention for three days on play-station, drugs, alcohol and signing for benefit**
by The English Gent November 1, 2007
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A disorder usually displayed by those with ADD or ADHD.
Symptoms may include the following:

Leaving old AIM instant message windows, long after the conversation ended.
Having multiple tabs open on firefox and/or having muliple windows of firefox opened.
Having one or more programs opened varying from just extracted to actually running.
Every time somebody comes to my house and sees all these windows up they wonder why I do that, and then I explain to them that I have Attention Defecit Computer Disorder
by 4523562 July 15, 2008
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