The horrific disease the Jonas Brothers probably have after being groped and touched my Miley Cyrus.
Did you see Miley Cyrus all over the Jonas Brothers on ABC's New Years Eve?!

Yeah they probably caught that Cyrus Virus!
by Heather Rae January 5, 2008
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Fake disorder used to describe obsessive Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana fans. Similar to OJD
Billions of kids today have caought the "Cyrus Virus"
by Michael Joseph Anthony Costa August 30, 2008
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A phenomenon where a certain cursed image of Miley Cyrus is AirDropped to multiple people, further spreading the disease. (,1000x1000,075,f.u3.jpg).
Person A: Omigod, did you see that photo Ms. Tiller AirDropped everybody?

Person B: Yeah, it's the Cyrus Virus.
by masonwonder13 October 9, 2019
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When you twerk really badly and you uncontrollably stick your tongue out in pictures.

Also, you touch yourself sensually in front of other people. Can infect guys too.
Jim: Hey, what's up with Brianna? Why is she sticking out her tongue while twerking horribly?
Rafael: (whispering) She's got the Miley Cyrus Virus.
Jim: Oh, that explains everything.
by Jeaneth February 21, 2014
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