creamy creamy

Creamy creamy - the epitome of all of and the answer to everything. If you ain't creamin', you ain't schemin'
'Dayum that ass is creamy creamy'

'Im feeling really creamy creamy right now'
by Rishiud May 16, 2014
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An attractive woman.

A man may use this as a way to express interest in mating with said woman.

1-“Dawg, there’s some creamies out today”
2-“I know brother, I wish to mate with them as well”
1-“Indeed. Would you wish to mate with me?”
2-Are you a creamie little boy?”
1-“Yes I’m a creamie, but the Lord does not permit our desires”
2-“agreed. For a good woman is like a fine wine.”
by Harvard Professors Are Dumb August 10, 2023
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Adj, a word used to desribe anything that can be described in a good or phenominal way.

or and Interjection used as a good exclamation
"I just made an A!" "Creamy!"

That concert was so creamy!

Creamy baige! I just won!
by Jwork October 14, 2010
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Is a term used to describe those children of Australian Aboriginal and white descent. It is not used anymore because it was regarded as a racist term.

In other words Half-caste(half-cast)
"Ey, isn't that little boy of Jenkens a creamy?"
"Well I wouldn't call him creamy but yes he is a half-cast"
by MiiaCutiie March 8, 2009
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Ultra smooth, cooler than ever
by Leah December 22, 2003
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cool, tight, sweet, sick, ill
Dude did you see that UFC fight last night brah, it was creamy as hell. Randy Couture is the creamiest fighter there is.
by Agent Zer0 October 23, 2009
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Compliment created by onision, in his own words-'it means when you look at a guy and you cream your underwear'
Onision:" Gerard way is creamy"
Viewer: *awkwardly* " uhm...sure, he's hot"
by Orbeezlovingbanana February 17, 2017
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