by useful meanings October 31, 2004
"On My Way!" An acronym nobody used, and a bunch of nerds at apple programmed into the iphone as a feature demonstrator. So now everybody knows and uses it.
by AbnormalAviator December 29, 2018
a short form of "on my way" which, if you are at a music festival and high could be mistaken for "Oh my wow!"
Katie texts "we're over by the elk tent"
Matt texts "OMW"
Katie says " I think he just said 'Oh my wow. Hes definitely high too.' "
Matt texts "OMW"
Katie says " I think he just said 'Oh my wow. Hes definitely high too.' "
by hostilenative August 31, 2010
by xasdfx September 2, 2003
OMW (On MY Way)
What to text your friend when you are leaving your house to go to their house so they will be ready when you get there.
OMW-On my way.
What to text your friend when you are leaving your house to go to their house so they will be ready when you get there.
OMW-On my way.
by Bee K March 24, 2010