A worthless individual. The term originates from dried, conjealed bits of mixed male and female ejaculate that cling to pubic hairs at the base of the penis after coitus. They are disgusting and of no value to anyone.
by Matt 1000000 June 27, 2005
by rico suav June 23, 2010
Tasty treat made out of processed chickens clumped and breaded and then fried. A staple of many fast food restraunts.
MMMMMMmmmmm, this cock nugget is delicious.
by julio January 19, 2003
Nuggets of the cock which are considered a delicacy by particular young ladies enrolled in marketing curriculum in Atlanta area schools.
Joe: "May I interest you in some delicious cock nuggets?"
Rachel: "Why certainly. I LOVE cock nuggets!"
Rachel: "Why certainly. I LOVE cock nuggets!"
by PreacherKeech April 27, 2010
by Brad Daddy Schrage June 26, 2021
by The Man April 10, 2003