a person who is paid very well at a job where they are not stressed and do not need to work hard or be ambitious at all. This person tries to fly under the radar and does only the minimum amount of work needed in order to greatly satisfy their bosses, and indeed the work is very minimal.
Kevin is just coasting at work. All he does is do a little work, show up to meetings, and then go home. What a coaster
by jargon1337 August 29, 2019
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A poser who rides his fixed gear on the freewheel and coasts rather than riding the fixed gear. Does it for the trendiness of the fixed gear rather than the function and purpose of the fixed gear.
"That guy wasn't pedaling when he went down the hill on his fixed gear, he is such a coaster."
by mallerz December 4, 2008
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To burn a CD with files (usually warez), that have some security protocols in place or to burn a corrupted file making the CD unusable, and thus a coaster.
Don't try to burn that game man, I tried last week, it kept coastering.
by Daragaaz November 10, 2007
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coasterize or UK (COASTERISE)
Verb: A CD-W/RW that has been rendered to the state of being only useful as a coaster for hot drinks.
Dern it; Roxio burned the wrong bloody data! This CD's been coasterixed!
by SkelDeath May 21, 2005
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Coaster- A female with large nipples. Nipples resembling large coasters.
Hey, did you see those titties an coasters?
by M.j.b ronk September 26, 2019
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what happens when mexican and hentai meet...
Coastered! How many times to we have to tell you to stop looking at pr0n because you will end up blind?
by Kurumi-san May 29, 2003
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