
1.Essential to success.
2. Tending to be successful in difficult situations.

To attempt to grasp or seize.
To grasp and hold tightly.

1. A grasp or a hand in the act of grasping.
2. Control or power.
3. A critical situation.
4. A device for gripping and holding (e.g. in a motor vehicle).
Lesbian posters are clutch for attracting babes.

I clutched the gearshift in my hand and hit the clutch.
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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Great, Essential, and Potent rolled into a single word. Clutch is also used to describe something that is done, not something that is.
Stealing your orange soda was so clutch.

Pulling the special move on Jenna was clutch.
by Ezra July 1, 2003
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the clutch

A particular feeling of stomach discomfort following the consuption of greasy, unhealthy food (especially McDonalds). Symptoms may include nausea, but are most commonly a feeling of bloatedness, gas, and weight "clutching" your stomach. Theories explaining the origins of the clutch include the mixture of hot greasy food followed by 64 oz. of cold, carbonated soda mixing in the stomach. This affliction is especially dangerous when experienced while driving an automobile.

May also be considered the undesired relative of "the itis."
"5 miles after eating a Big Mac Combo Meal from a highway rest area, I was hit by The Clutch. The rest of my drive sucked."
by Sean1 June 5, 2006
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i was very thirsty and there was nothing to drink. i found an arnold palmer thats clutch
by defgvjkbenrsfvknejd June 12, 2010
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a-"Emily, that is so clutch!"
e-"You need to define that for me."
a-"I did, and now it's on urban dictionary."
e-"oh, urban dictionary is so clutch."
by eziekiel November 3, 2006
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a male who is falsely acting as a boyfriend to a straight female friend for the purpose of not attracting creepy guys.
Dude 1: Hey man I heard you're with Amy now.

Dude 2: Nah mate I was just her clutch for the club last night.
by Swan_Queen May 7, 2018
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Clutch is an American rock band from Germantown, Maryland, formed in 1990. Clutch invented rock. Each Clutch album is marked by a distinct and cohesive sound. Strong blues influences have also become prominent in the releases of the later years.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is actually based on true events in Tim Sult and Neil Fallon's life. They are the saviors of Rock and the World. They traveled backwards through time to create Rock (in 1733, for the record) and came back to 1992 to hone and shape it like the Rocksmiths that they are. They demand your worship!! Who are you to deny them?

Neil Fallons' (The lead singer) lyrics at first angry and serious in tone have become characterized with intelligence, wordplay, and often humor. Their songs make frequent reference to history, mythology, popular culture, and religion:

"I Have the Body of John Wilkes Booth", tells the story of a fisherman who discovers the corpse of Lincoln's assassin in the Susquehanna River.

"Burning Beard": "Every time I look out my window/ same three dogs looking back at me. Every time I open my windows/ cranes fly in to terrorize me."

His younger sister, Mary Alice Fallon-Yeskey, is employed at Charm City Cakes, and appears on the Food Network series Ace of Cakes.
"After listening to Clutch I have found out that if your not learning your retiring, you've got to take some risks to learn. There's always something to learn."

"There's a sacred, ancient dialog between the musician and the listener. When that happens, it's priceless. That's what people get out of Clutch. It's more of a philosophical reward than anything else."

Clutch is lLike Marlon Brando, but bigger. All around Pure Rock Fury.
by Murderflakes January 5, 2010
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