by permafrown November 5, 2004
a word to represent unity and friendship amongst thoses who feel excluded from modern social interactions
by Whiskerandough April 20, 2019
Get the Clonk mug.
by Karvman January 11, 2007
Another word for or synonym for the word "bong". Meaning just kidding, or "NOT!". Also can be used in place of PWN3D during online gaming.
by JDig April 25, 2008
by bxguette October 13, 2020
Clonking is the new word for Masterbating or the gay word used by homosexuals "fapping" clonking originates from Vagipe when 2 lonely guys got bored of hearing the word Fap and decied clonk was better as used by "-Upyr-" and "CGE (coolestGuyEver221"
by CoolestGuyEver221 November 25, 2009