to hit with a dull thudding force clonked me in the din
by permafrown November 5, 2004
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a word to represent unity and friendship amongst thoses who feel excluded from modern social interactions
by Whiskerandough April 20, 2019
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Steve: “Bro, come test this clonk I just got!”
Jack: “Oof man I’m still clonked from the last lines..”
Steve: “Come on.. It’s almost clonk’o’clock!”
by December 17, 2019
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Another word for or synonym for the word "bong". Meaning just kidding, or "NOT!". Also can be used in place of PWN3D during online gaming.
Wow, I really just clonked the shit out of that pussy ass n00b cunt bitch dick.
by JDig April 25, 2008
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A clonke is someone that’s a silly person.
“hey josh you’re such a clonke”
no you adam!”
by bxguette October 13, 2020
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Clonking is the new word for Masterbating or the gay word used by homosexuals "fapping" clonking originates from Vagipe when 2 lonely guys got bored of hearing the word Fap and decied clonk was better as used by "-Upyr-" and "CGE (coolestGuyEver221"
Man im sooo hard right now im gnna go Clonk along to that girl Cookie while -Upyr- joins me :)
by CoolestGuyEver221 November 25, 2009
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