When somthing has been done so many times, but still hilarious, you would call that a classic.
Like when someone falls or trips in a funny way, you would say "classic"
by Ferice Cupcake May 10, 2009
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A word used to describe behavior that is characteristic of the person. This can be used to describe your best buddies, or even total strangers.
Guy 1 "You see that guy that just walked in the room and took that laptop?"
Guy 2 "Yea...I think his name was Carl or something"
Guy 1 "Classic Carl"

Guy 1 "Did Aidan poop in the shower again?"
Guy 2 "Yeah its all over the walls"
Guy 1 "Classic Aidan"
by ticklemecollins March 10, 2011
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Run-DMC's Raising Hell album is a all time hip-hop classic.
by Gerard Irick February 27, 2009
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Brammers; "Hyman, that was a physical classic"
by Andrew Hyman February 21, 2005
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a typical thing a person would do all the time that is annoying, stupid and makes people think they are a prick
"Oh shes a classic"

"is just classic (persons name) innit"

by dave white June 5, 2007
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a type of clothing that centers on "classic" items like long kahki skirts, polo shirts. not revealing. amish? added onto a
sheltered, happy attitude
She's dressed like a classic. I can't believe she'd wear a full length skirt to the roller-rina.
by Kiersten May 22, 2004
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extremely funny, or a very good exapmle of.
1. Hemdale is a classic grind act.
2. how about i put it this way, classical variations as well as themes all tied into one.
by sloponaknob88 April 18, 2003
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