Chongs is a South Australian colloquialism referring to the scrotum commonly used as an expletive.
"That sucks the chongs!" is used to express that something is bad.

"You suck the chongs" is used as an insult.
by The_Cantletron August 29, 2008
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To wordchong/word is to consume rapidly. Chongs - to consume rapidly - verb.
Sir DJ Tron Esquire chongs on chode.
by croozechesthair July 15, 2003
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It's kinda like my dong, but it comes outa your forehead like a banana.
Dude your chong is showing.
by George Albert February 29, 2004
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To hit a male in the genitals by purpose or accident.
The third base coach wasn't paying attention and he got chonged by a hard line drive.
by Rudy Botka July 7, 2005
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That jai alai ball nailed me in the chongs. It took me weeks to recuperate.
by buhbuh July 23, 2003
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