plural form of chef: skilled cooks who manage the kitchen
If they don't find jobs, Julie and Jaclyn might have to work as cheves.
by hobgib March 25, 2010
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Beer, cheve = chevecha = cheves = beer, Mexican Slang
i like my beer cold = Me gustan mis cheves bien frias.
by Zer0_Cool April 10, 2006
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The process of making money without putting any effort in at all.

However, your money total never seems to increase no matter how much you earn.
I've been working all week it's all cheving money.
by ryan January 13, 2005
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I didn't know anyone could be more Cheves Ligon until I met your mom.
by Stacey McStacey February 8, 2010
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When one has sex with their authority figure and then craps a justicy load on their desk.
Dude, the principle was totally asking for a Tucson Chorizo Cheves.
by Geimi and Tara March 24, 2007
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A Chevee Is A Person Who Likes To Rage At NBA2K19 And He Likes Wasting His Time And Money On This Game. A Chevee Is Usually Black.
by Pawny05 June 6, 2019
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an undiscovered condition found on the bottom of feet
Larry took his shoes off and discovered cheve on his foot.
by smartfella6 July 20, 2024
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