Look, a cadaver.
by i'mnotcertain December 15, 2010
by Peterguy May 12, 2006
ex 1: i wonder how many cadavers daniel uses in a week...
ex 2: dang, daniel really used that cadaver...
ex 2: dang, daniel really used that cadaver...
by THATKID April 18, 2012
For example:
Joe Schmo: 'Wow, you're acting like fucking idiot, i'll be cadavering you in about 5 seconds if you don't shut the fuck up.'
Joe Schmo: 'Wow, you're acting like fucking idiot, i'll be cadavering you in about 5 seconds if you don't shut the fuck up.'
by Miranda and Haley May 10, 2010
by bearfruit April 9, 2012
An American deathcore band. But not JUST a deathcore band, but a BR00TAL deathcore band, which generally involves taking the sheer intensity and talent of brutal death metal with the gayness of deathcore to get something much worse than the original 'core genre.
They have annoying vocals, bearable guitars, an annoying snare drum and inaudible bass. Oh and they're not goregrind (this is what scene kids think to be rebellious. This system has a parallel to those of people thinking Slipknot is death metal.)
They have annoying vocals, bearable guitars, an annoying snare drum and inaudible bass. Oh and they're not goregrind (this is what scene kids think to be rebellious. This system has a parallel to those of people thinking Slipknot is death metal.)
I get annoying with the scene people at school wearing Bring Me The Horizon shirts, but if Waking the Cadaver becomes popular I swear I will murder them.
by The Aborted Crew March 4, 2009