A clumsy person whose primary trait is their unfailing ability to constantly drop things, as if their hands were smeared with butter.
Darrell tried out for the football team, but he didn't make it because his butterfingers made him a massive millstone around the team's neck.
by Someone who kinda exists August 3, 2021
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In order to butterfinger, one must first excrete loose, watery bowl movements (diarrhea) through their anal canal. As this process is taking place, a second party (preferably a lover) inserts their philanges into said anal canal thus acquiring their lovely brown butter. The second party may then do what they please with their sweet juice.
Bartholomew: yo, bruh, I don’t feel so good. I think I have diarrhea.

Squinphoneous II: Yoo, bet, let’s butterfinger!! 💩
by TheAguirres November 19, 2018
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A butterfinger that you've seen made in a factory full of men.
Bro, I just ate a manmade butterfinger, it was so good.
by Pepsicoladelicious February 16, 2023
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