To do something or perform a task. Usually it is involved with illegal activities.
"Let's bust a mission and hit that."
by Sk8_Depot November 22, 2007
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To take a long journey. How far long is depends on how stoned or lazy you are.
A current plan that seems like even Tom Cruise himself could not pull off.
"Dude, bust a mission and go get the Zags from the other room."

"Dude, lets bust a mission to Rosarito"
by sirwenvega September 28, 2006
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"Yo, me and Sebastian gotta bust a mission for John, we gotta pick up his sister at the part".
by Mr. Kraxxx March 8, 2005
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To get away with something not approved of by parental or otherwise some other authority.
We're gonna walk to a party tonight in the next neighborhood while my mom thinks we're gonna be at the movies, We're busting a mission.
by xSeeEmiliePlayx June 19, 2008
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To perform an otherwise mundane task.
"Dang, gotta go to the dentist today..."
"Go bust a mission, stud."
by kisa. July 24, 2009
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To gets shit done in a boss like fashion. Things that may seem impossible are achieved when one successfully busts missions.
Antoinette and addy busted missions to get an A on her finals.
by eat_therich November 27, 2015
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