1. The short song sang by candace from phineas and ferb in the episode What do it do? after she thinks she has busted phineas and ferb
1. Its a Busting feeding frenzy stay outta the water!
by platypussy_licker May 3, 2019
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To celebrate prematurely
Did you see the Maple Leafes Bust a Hyman when they thought they tied the game?
by G-mail spot October 30, 2018
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To celebrate prematurely
Did you see the Maple Leafes bust a Hyman when they thought they tied the game?
by G-mail spot October 30, 2018
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The act of cuming in a pussy while snorting cocaine off her tips
Bro. She showed me wat a drug bust really was and I was gone
by Zx6rboyyy October 12, 2023
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To be the first person to anally penetrate your girlfriend
Eh mate, guess what? Lindsey let me bust her nut last nite ,it was as tight as a mouses ear
by Noggin the nog March 19, 2018
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