Abbreviation for low income Melbourne suburb, Broadmeadows. Located in western suburbs and populated primarily by wogs, choccos and lebos. Primary location for public housing tenemants, large families and hotted up, usually stolen vehicles. Similar to Sydneys Bankstown
"My cousin Con was parked outside Broady Maccas for 5 minutes and someone stole the rims off his fully sick VL" or "Im going to visit my 378 cousins in Broady for Greek Easter"
by Rob March 29, 2005
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The hood in northern Melbourne (Australia). Broady is often used to describe surrounding areas such as Dallas, Upfield and Jacana. Definitely Melbourne's hardest area and everyone knows not to mess with someone from Broady.
You're from Broady??? sheeeiiiiiit!!
by tomtom` June 5, 2009
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Short for Broadmeadows, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia.

Home to large Australian families and pensioners. Some families came years ago from the Middle East and southern Europe, plus many newly arrived refugees. All have survived tough times over the years and contribute to make Broady what it is today.

Broadmeadows has a strong character and has a large reputation in Melbourne's imagination for being tough and rough. This is partly true especially in the past but the reputation is exaggerated these days by people who are snobby about a place they don't understand. In reality the locals are bonded together and get on with life.
We're from Broady and damn proud too.
by IloveBroady May 14, 2010
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The most arab place in melbourne!
Oh are you moving to broady? take a gun... you better need it cuzz,
by Rescue Me January 27, 2015
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What’s up Broady, how’s it going.

Love you Broady.

Broady1: Hey, Broady, you don’t mind if I cuddle with you, do you?
Broady2: Not at all Broady.
by Ach.ngemyself July 31, 2019
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When you bite your own ass with your false teeth, that you holding for ‘protection
Last Friday, you know, I did a Broady
by steveuk June 22, 2023
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Smart,sexy, cool and is tougher than other kids. He usually gets the girls and he is brave. Broady is usually a country boy. He is incredible at sports. And he had a very large penis.
by 111122222384849:047303@5792 April 19, 2019
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