As verb: to brick something. This is the action of rendering any small-medium size electronic device useless. This can happen whilst changing the firmware, soldering or any other process involving either hardware of software.
by jules_v March 7, 2006
by Mr.Mafioso January 20, 2009
by bay~be September 14, 2008
A term used to describe an unfortunate looking drag queen. Most queens strive to have a great illusion of the female form and beauty. A Brick is a drag queen thats just the opposite hard, rough, not convincing at all.
by Brickzilla February 11, 2010
by MiiZZ EXLCUSiiVE August 23, 2006
Moreover, said the suit, Apple violated consumers' rights by "bricking" unlocked iPhones with the 1.1.1 update it issued a week and a half ago.
by Bissellator October 8, 2007