A term used to describe two people who are close or tight friends; can also be used to suggest a sexual relationship between two people
Did you see Hawk and Trish? They are boo and boo now.
by Roxanne C. January 5, 2006
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When someone talks in baby voices, or about loving things in an annoying manner.
I had to leave when John's and his girlfriend started getting all boo boo be boo with each other.
by SMFC June 18, 2009
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buzzuzuzz buzzuzuzz, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, buzzuzuzz buzzuzuzz, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, buzzazeez, da da da da BUZZEEZEEZ, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, BUZZEEZEES, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, buzzuzuzz buzzuzuzz, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, buzzuzuzz buzzuzuzz, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, buzzazeez, da da da da BUZZEEZEEZ, boo boo boo, boo boo boo, BUZZEEZEES, boo boo boo, boo boo boo.
by Orrinpants September 8, 2022
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syn. crying and or whining about nothing too important. Most often sent as a text to a friend when plans fall through.
"Boo Boo Boo", that's me crying cuz you didn't call me back....Boo Boo Boo.
by DJ Willow from Paris February 3, 2010
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that song you just can't remember the name of. And it makes your friends think you are a robot
Guy 1: Hey can you play that song again? it went beep boo boo bop boo boo beep.
Radio Disc Jockey: Nah man you mean the song that goes beep boo boo bop boo boo bop
by Tacoterminator August 12, 2015
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When a ghetto black girl thinks you are invading her ghetto surrounding, or stairing at her for a little to long, she will say this to you in response.
"Boo nigga boo, aint noboday lookin at you cuz you ugggglyy"
by cryocardio March 17, 2014
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Random expression usually used by a girl when she’s teasing or flirting with a guy she likes. May be repeated a few times in a sing-song voice or with suggestive hand gestures. Note that the manner in which she presents them is more important than the words themselves.
Girl: (Mischievous grin) Boo kicka boo!
Guy: (Grinning back) Bow shika wow wow!
by Spirit-Chickadee December 6, 2010
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