A slang word used in Gears of War to describe a person being chainsawed in half. Also used as an alternative name to the lancer, AKA: Bonesaw Gun
*you sneek up on an unsuspecting enemy, pull out the lancer, get the chainsaw going and then yell:* BONESAW!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thus they have been bonesawed.
by The S.M.A. September 5, 2007
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verb. The act of getting or being totally shitfaced.

"dude, we're getting bonesawed tonight!!"

"dude, im SO BONESAWED right now"
by CHITTENDEN February 17, 2008
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noun, verb, adjective, whatever;
def: the greatest of all things, can be applied to everything. important, crucial, awesome, etc. an attainable state of mind that trandscends materialism and ignorance.
this band is BONESAW!
what a BONESAW lunch!
how BONESAW was that?
owing me money is so not BONESAW!
by Nate February 9, 2004
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A sexual move where the woman sits on the man's crotch, and shakes her pelvis perpendicular to the orientation of her slit.
She bonesawed me last night, now I have a juicy rash.
by Paccali November 14, 2002
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nickname of an awesome dude called
Dave Anians
hey let's go hang with Bonesaw(Dave)!
by wafflecakes July 28, 2011
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The act of getting fired from your only career in life because alcohol makes you say stupid things.
Did you hear Tony got Bonesawed?
by DugsRBadMMMkkkayy November 8, 2018
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A word describing a ridiculously awesome event that just occurred. Generally refers to a skateboarding trick
Damnnnnnn that nollie heelflip was bonesaw
by Danszine dan August 12, 2005
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