The dangerous combination of a blonde moment and a brain fart. Two times magnification - reserved for only the most dim-witted of moments.
My sister had a blonde fart while watching the news during a recent family dinner. The tv reporter said that "9 Brazilian men had died in an explosion." My sister turned to me and asked, "How many is a Brazilian?"
by MoonPie24 April 25, 2017
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Blondes get more attention then other girls they also get something they want even when they don't ask for it. They are incredibly beautiful and sexy but they don't think that of them but others do. Depending on how there raised they can ither be a bitch or incredibly loyal but never both. The brighter blue there eyes are the bigger bubble they got. Blonde bubble is not a bad thing.
" I'm starving "
"here let me give u a sandwich "
" here's a burito"
"oh I was fine I'm not to hungry "
" but your so pretty "

" I have a blonde bubble "
by awsomepoptarts December 9, 2015
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1 - A small sized cup of mild roast coffee, commonly found at Starbucks

2 - An individual possessing blonde hair and above average height, commonly very attractive

Both are highly addictive substances, best consumed when hot and on the sweet side.
I just had a tall blonde, and my heart is racing!
by c@vm@n September 8, 2016
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A masturbation technique where you put a blonde wig on your jerking hand so it looks like a blonde is fellating you.
Bro, who was that blonde chick that was blowing you last night?

Dude, that was no chick I was givin myself a blonde date.
by Otto Parts June 6, 2010
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1. a woman whose hair is bleached blonde due to coloring treatments from peroxide in a bottle. She has to maintain the bleaching periodically but her darker hair roots may be prominent anyway. The term "suicide blonde" is a play on "dyed/died by her own hand", ya dig?

2. a dance-able yet still major ass-kicking hit song by Australian rockers INXS. It hit the Top 10 all around the world in late summer and during the autumn of 1990. It has some wicked harmonica playing. Great stuff.
1. Deborah Harry, Courtney Love, Vicki Peterson, Marilyn Monroe, Samantha Fox, Cameron Diaz, and others are not natural blondes. They are suicide blondes.

2. My ex-girlfriend Susan is a suicide blonde.

3. You want to make her
Suicide Blonde
Love devastation
Suicide Blonde


RIP Hutch. You were one of a kind but we need more cool people like you more now than ever!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice March 29, 2011
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The thing that Kanye West would give anything for.
"Heard they do anything for a klondike. Well I do anything for a blonde dyke."
by doowopbadapadoobop February 5, 2009
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