Getting carried away with your inner sexuality and getting lost in the moment
She took too much MDMA that she was black swanning all over the place
by smass February 1, 2011
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These two girls kissed at a party last night. Next time I turned around they were totally Black Swanning!
by luckyc777 June 27, 2011
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v: being high on marijuana. Because of the red eyes that one gets while high. Named after the Darren Aronofsky film Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman, because of the red eyes that she has in the film.
by Andrew Anthony and Ryanwf January 16, 2011
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An event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and that would be extremely difficult to predict.
Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups were formed by a Black Swan event when a truck carrying peanut butter ran into a truck carrying chocolate.
by kleinsound April 10, 2008
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1. Masturbating without realizing another person is in the room.

2. Masturbating at a particularly high level of intensity, without noticing your mother in the chair next to you.

3. Masturbating while slowly turning into a bird.
Jesus, have these people been passed out on my floor all night? Oh man, I think I may have black swanned it around 3am
by Stir Friday July 19, 2011
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A masterpiece , an art created by BTS
ARMY 1 : Did you see the Black Swan performance at MMA god it was so beautiful!!!
ARMY 2: Yes I did! That Jikook moment in the performance was the best thing that happened in 2020!!! 💜 💜
by Loki approves Johnlock February 6, 2021
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When a girl goes down on another girl after they get really high so their eyes are bloodshot.
I saw Alice totally black swanning Julia last night at the party, it was so awesome.
by atlien135 December 21, 2010
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