Big Beaver is the actual name of a road (sometimes called "16 Mile") in Detroit, Michigan. The ironic part is that along I-75, the road is Exit 69.
by Denis Baldwin June 30, 2004
big beaver is a town in beaver county pa... it is pretty much quite its out in the country alot of small farms and more beaver then any were esle in this side of the state... no really there a new strip club (there was a rub and tub but it got busted) a adult book store with live girls, and last a swingers club all with in a .25 miles... the name fits well..
by the big beav October 13, 2009
Since "beaver" is a term, commonly used to refer to a woman's vagina, this refers to a woman that has a "big" beaver.
by Panchoman Jr. November 3, 2006
A Gigantic Beaver In Bebras 2018 That Weighs 22KG. He Can Perform Mitosis. His Name Is Pronounced Beevus.
by Steven Mc Steveyson November 13, 2019
A Big Beaver Cleaver is a very large penis.
by I, Wreckerrr October 12, 2016
Best highway exit ever. Found in Troy, MI, the exit off of I-75 to Big Beaver Road is Exit 69. Makes me wonder if they planned it that way.
by Proud Left Wing Extremist December 9, 2011
A Big Brown Beaver is a woman with a vagina covered in a large amount of pubic hair; This is one of many other terms for a woman with a vagina covered in a large amount of pubic hair. The term "Big Brown Beaver" was popularized by the Primus song titled "Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" off of Primus's fourth studio album "Tales From The Punchbowl".
by Filthy Ape October 10, 2020