1.The opposite of legitimate business. 2.A street hustle, or a shady and mostly illegal business venture.
3. Dealings that aren't exactly "street legal"
Bloomingdales=Business. Selling dresses and purses out of your trunk=Bidness
by Mr*Myxx* August 30, 2003
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Distortion of "business." Used to denote business that is illicit, awesome, or both.
1. Bob: Have you been doing any bidness?
John: No, man. I'm clean.

2. Bob: Did you blow up the secret Nazi stronghold?
John: Yes, I took care of bidness.
by MC Jiggy J March 20, 2006
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as in "None of yo damn bidness!"

OR "That's NUNYA damned bidness."
by Stonium February 20, 2003
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1. An entity that provides a good or service.

2. One's own personal affairs.

3. A friend's mother.
1. Ma hos are my bidness.

2. Fools be up in ma bidness.

3. I handle my bidness quite well.
by Ryan November 18, 2003
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1. Personal or privileged knowledge.

2. The right to do something.
1. Bill: What was your major in college?
John: I majored in bidness -- nunyo bidness.

2. user@linux:~# chmod 666 vmlinuz
bash: error: you ain't got no bidness doin dat.
by Benzi December 15, 2005
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Referring to making or constructing a business.
Also referring to class.
Let me me get a bidness class ticket.
It ain't your bidness.
by G-Boy June 4, 2006
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