a 'bottom selfie' - a photographic self-portrait featuring the buttocks, usually posted by female celebrities on social media networks.
"Cheryl Cole joins Kelly Brook and Kim Kardashian by sharing a rose-tinted 'belfie' " …from the 'Daily Heil', 23 October 2013
by Art Deptford November 15, 2013
A Butterfinger Selfie. A selfie posted on social media typically using a selfie stick and involving everyone's favorite crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery delicious candy: Butterfinger.
by aa213 February 19, 2015
by thisbat2222 July 15, 2015
by Maineman2222 August 5, 2015
a belfie is a boob selfie. a belie usually does not have a face in it, but rather just boobs. belfies are commonly sent on snap chat.
did you like my belfie?
by h lion July 20, 2014
by youknowmynamenotmystoryTHUG December 4, 2014
by Rybear9ohsevin March 26, 2014