Using extreme tongue strength to pierce your partner. Side effects include: ending relationships, additional anus, and abnormal opening in the back of your skull.
I invited that girl Vanessa over after dinner and treated her to my famous tongue bashing. She hasn't called me back...
by Joeybadbitch February 19, 2017
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When a man gets a fissure due to excessive force while receiving anal sex
What started off as a loving encounter ended up being bashed in the back window.
by All Bets Hedged June 10, 2021
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when someone is acting too scared to do something, shy, or doesnt speak up about it
That girl is always getting beat up, she must be the bash type.
by THA ONLY {L33 L33} June 22, 2009
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Simmons should wear his bash hat when on his bike
by Lord Moomin April 11, 2021
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