to through a party which is usually a spur of the moment thing.
i'm having a small bash round mine later... you coming?
by *Alex* April 21, 2005
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When one drug is laced/mixed with another without the consumer being aware.

E.g. weed bashed with LSD.
Smoker one: Bruh try this weed, strong ass stuff
smoker two: *has two puffs off*
smoker two: Dude this skunk is bashed to/as fuck!
by 420st0nerGirl420 March 19, 2016
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The concept of saying rude things about a certain subject over the Internet.
This site needs some Xbox bashing.
by spel itt rite February 9, 2006
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Bash means to beat someone up. Punch, or fight with
Bob wants to "bash" that muthafucka coz he feels like it!
by EILEEEEEN October 26, 2005
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Person 1: I'll see you later, I'm going to go and have a bash.
Person 2: Why you bashing so much for?

by intelligent_gangsta November 21, 2007
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