To perform some unspecified sexual service using a slotted penis with torture spines at the base. A physical deformity primarily popularized by American actor Matt Damon.
by Zaerion February 25, 2023
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What you have to bribe women on Tinder with to try to get them to look past your awful profile and message you.
I have a big sick. Let’s fuck. 100% gentleman.

If you message me first I’ll give you a giraffe balloon.
by nicola December 21, 2021
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When you been showing someone fake love and affection then behind there back treating them like shit similar to gaslighting or love bombing.
This guy really wants to pop my balloon *kinky*
by Thispagewasmadeforme November 6, 2020
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Blowing into a vagina while performing oral sex filling it up like a balloon then pushing down with both hands on the lower abdomen to quickly (and loudly) release the air.
If you really want to see how cool she is you should try popping the balloon of pandemonium
by CatFocks August 4, 2022
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When you pinch your foreskin and proceed to pee and fill your foreskin with piss.
Did you hear that Jimmy hit his girlfriend with the ol' water balloon from hell last Tuesday?
by zachmau5 December 7, 2021
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Where a couple of any sexualities' get a piece of gum, and both ejaculate in it to where it forms a pouch of the couples seamen. After this the couple play a game of rock paper scissors and who ever loses in the game has to chew the gum for the rest of the day with no complaints.
Ex: (Jimmy) Man I've been having this salty taste in my mouth after losing to a game of "Water Balloon" with Jessica
by Nutbutter December 31, 2021
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