Slang. Great or Cool.
Used in the same context as the term "the shit."
"Woah.. Did you see that? That was the balls!"
"Warped Tour was the balls."
by bobdole September 12, 2003
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Consistent with a dare, like saying I dare you to do something. If a "No Balls" is refused, the refuser therefore has no balls and may be reminded of this constantly; The highest form of a dare to ever exist.
Cheyenne: "Courtney, no balls you won't chug this 12 pack in under an hour!"

Courtney: Chugs 12 pack.

Cheyenne: "Wow, Courtney has BALLS!"
by Eagles87 February 22, 2010
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1. Overtly and possibly excessively enthusiatic.
"Rover was freakin' balls on for the lamb shank; he'd practically dry hump the thing while chewing on it."
by dinobuddy December 22, 2006
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by PopKatTime January 24, 2022
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When one is at the point of just completely going for it, no matter what it takes, to the extreme, with a noble valiance, and courage.
My colleagues, we are going balls-in on this risky business venture, and balls-in is a good idea, not just for the money but doing it for the thing in and of itself!
by realestatephilos January 19, 2017
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