I. - (Aven-ged' Seven-fold; noun) A terrific band that receives very "little" praise from the rock fanbase. They are--with a doubt--metal/rock. Such songs, like Desecrate Through Reverence, or Clairvoyant Disease (their best songs), are considered to be metal.

II. - (Aven-ged' Seven-fold; noun) An amazing band with unique guitar riffs. They are among the few rockbands nowadays that 'actually' know the definition of intense. The vast majority of their songs have quite a bit of originality and taste.

III. (Aven-ged' Seven-fold; noun) Term for a childhood prodigy, whose talents and efforts are vaguely summarized as good.
I and II. - Jared Boucher: Hey, Jim... Have you ever heard of Avenged Sevenfold before?

Jim: I may have. Are they any good?

Jared Boucher: You bet.

III. - I hate that Avenged Sevenfold. He's not eeeeeveeeeeen gOoodz! Mhhhher! Nothing compares to Slipknot.
by Music Junkie 227 October 7, 2009
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The first time I saw this bands' video (on MTV,coincidentally...),I truly,truly though they were a fake band.
Seriously,I though they were a rip on all these lame glam metal revitalists (Bullets And Octane anyone?),kind of a Spinal Tap for the emo generation.
But,no,they are a REAL band. Aww,man...a rip on themselves.
Good grief,how could anybody claim this band are anything but hilarious?
Watch their "Sease The Day" video for a laugh.
ME: "HaHA,I love Avenged Sevenfold,they're such a great comedy band."
RandomStranger:"Err...dude,they're a real band."
by bandanasarerad October 17, 2006
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Some shitty generic "metal core" band everyone says is so great because they have some faggot for a guitarist who is mediocre at guitar, the singer sounds like he's chocking on his own dick every time he sings and that's a fact. Biggest disgrace to metal since the nu metal trend
God Avenged Sevenfoldsuck so much I can't take it.
by Artceityupo May 25, 2015
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A band which originated from Orange County, CA. As of now they have a bare able tone to the music and just awful lyrics.However, the fans of the proclaimed, "best band ever," are extremely ignorant. Many claim to be tough but are actually full of hubris. If you don't know what hubris is you are most likely one of the 12 year old fans that the band has adapted.

Most people heard a song at the end of the popular game( even more popular than the band) Call of Dudy: Black ops 2. So that is where the 12 year old fans come from.
Ignorant fan:" hey reject, you should check out avenged sevenfold"

Me:"oh you know, I would but, I would rather not have meaningless, mumbling, lyrics yelled at me through my headphones"
by A good music lover December 2, 2013
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The biggest sell-outs in history. Their first CDs were absolutley amazing. They were my favorite band for the longest time. Then City of Evil came out. THE WORST thing I've ever heard. They go from unique underground metal band to #1 on TRL. The most disgraceful thing a band can do.
Avenged Sevenfold has failed us all
by Trishelle February 27, 2006
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A band that emerged during the hardcore scene. After their first two CD's, they changed up their act, began to suck, and sold out. Selling out and Avenged Sevenfold are now two closely linked verbs.
"Hey dude, have you heard Metallica's new CD?"

"Dude, they Avenged Sevenfolded when they released Saint Anger."
by Skrah June 18, 2008
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