A "big penis approach" is something that is strategic and soundly thought-out using objective factual information about any subject that the strategy or the plan might involve, and is opposed with a "small penis approach" which is stupid and nonsensical and often does more harm than good and uses misleading information and kneejerk reactions, and is based on the rationale that Males with a bigger penis are more likely to have higher intelligence or have an impact on society, namely in the reproduction department, and is an important step to understanding basic strategy, along with a good analogy for understanding this being that a "big penis approach" is like a long thick sausage with a big girth, which blows out the "small penis approach," a little corn dog sausage, straight out of the water.
Person #1: "I'm looking for numbers for the Lottery since I'm really wanting to win, but I'm not sure whether to pick QuickPick or just choose random numbers on the paper."

Person #2: "It's obviously not going to win you anything if you try that approach, and it's important to go with trying to look at the numbers statistically with the past drawings, including making a detailed graph about when each number has been last drawn and how many times they have been drawn, and interpreting the data from there."

Person #1: "Oh my God, how are you this smart?"

Person #2: "I'm just using the big penis approach."
by SleeplessNightOwl May 5, 2021
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The term peanut butter approach reflects the idea that you will apply the same tactics to all aspects of a business. For instance, your business might need to cut 10% of its workforce. Under the peanut butter approach concept, you’d reduce your workforce evenly among different departments. Managers would be just as likely to be laid off as regular employees, and any department, productive or not, would lose 10% of its workers.

There are some inherent problems in the peanut butter approach if you apply the same tactics to all parts of a business. The company that simply reduces 10% of its workforce without considering that certain departments may need more workers because of greater productivity generally makes a mistake.

Another way that the peanut butter approach is mentioned in business is when companies give raises. Instead of determining raises on a merit-based system, some companies give the same raise percentage to all employees. This can have unfortunate consequences because it rewards employees that may not merit raises and at the same time may not encourage employees, who have worked very hard, to stay with a company.

It frequently is used by managers who cannot make decisions so they equally mete out criticism, punishment and/or praise to all whether it is merited or not. It is often a sign of weakness in a manager.
When looking at the budget cuts, we will apply a peanut butter approach and cut all housekeeper's hours evenly so there is no perceived favoritism. Even if we need longer hours on those shifts to clean the facilities, or those employees are better performers, it doesn't matter - we have to cut everyone exactly the same to avoid controversy.
by billytrish January 20, 2011
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Going into a text conversation on Omegle and talking about Jesus the whole time. Then you take a screenshot of it to show to your buddies. It's like the online version of planking.
Me: Dude I totally used the Jesus approach on this random from Omegle lastnight!

Friend: No way! Send me the screenshot!
by Swarley6969 August 17, 2011
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When you get a chill down your spine and the feeling that someone is about to get you. 50% of the time this means you are about to get the shit kicked out of you.
“What is this Santa Claus person, and how do I find him?”
"Im going to kill him."

Somewhere on earth, Saint Nicolas shivered from sudden Approaching Doom Syndrome
by Varigos Dourden December 29, 2007
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The sense of exponential dread that occurs when one more closely nears one's workplace. If one is driving down a hill to said workplace the effect is sometimes described as Hell like.
(In a carpool on a public service ad) "What's wrong Jake? Your face has gone white."

"Look down there at the bottom of the hill and to the right!"


(A psychologist enters the ad and states paternally; "This is approaching occupational neurosis. Don't let it happen to you or anyone you care about. Resign or seek professional help immediately!"
by Cirdellin December 30, 2010
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An approach to child-spacing.

You must choose if you'd prefer to have your kids very close together in age, thus ripping off the band-aid in 1 very quick, yet very painful tear. Or if you prefer to have your kids spaced further apart; a less intense pain but an approach that takes much longer until the band aid is completely off.
People who space their kids 18 months or less apart take the "quick and painful" Band-Aid Approach. But people who space their kids more than 2 years apart are the ones who take the "plucking hair by hair" Band-Aid Approach.
by bellebeandog January 3, 2011
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which is to keep on doing the same thing despite a lack of success
I am going to use the Homer Simpson approach and invest billions of dollars on my enemies that want to see me destroyed and hope they will do what I want them to do.
by Dungeonmaster3 June 6, 2011
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