Stands for "All Politicians Are Bastards". A derivative of ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards). APAB is primarily used by those who cannot identify with any current, and perhaps former, politicians due to the fact that they are all bastards.
APAB is just like ACAB, but truer.
by Birch.Black January 12, 2011
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All Priests Are Bastards. Most priests rape kids.
John: Aye Jimmy how’s it going?
Jimmy: Got fucked by a priest! APAB!
by Mrissy March 1, 2022
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Woah daddy chad is APAB!
by Torkelz September 18, 2020
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Some politicians run for office purely for money, power and personal gain. They do it at the expense of the people they govern, #APAB
by #APAB November 2, 2020
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All protesters are bad
Yeah he killed someone for being trump supporter so apab
by Aruddthesciencebud September 9, 2020
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